Info Packet

4 September 2017—We are delighted to have your organization participate in BLACK SWAN 17. This “Info Packet” directs you to everything that you need to plan your local Simulated Emergency Test (SET) and to participate in the wider BLACK SWAN 17 exercise in the process.

What You Need

  1. Instructions—This page.
  2. CONOPS—The concept of operations. Note that it updates as more information becomes available and will include most detailed information for coordinating purposes.
  3. EXPLAN—A template for local organizations to modify to suit their own needs while engaging with others locally.
  4. AAR/IP—A template for local organizations to modify as needed; it should match the EXPLAN's core capabilities, objectives, and tasks, as well as comment on how the operation was conducted.


  1. Identify your organization, whether a traffic net, ARES group, RACES organization, CERT, or other.
  2. Designate a Senior Controller—one person accountable for that organization's participation.
  3. Designate other Controllers—people who can help with the planning and coordination process.
  4. Controllers read these instructions, the latest CONOPS, and the EXPLAN template, and confer to create their own EXPLAN from the template, or otherwise compatible with the CONOPS.
  5. Have the Senior Controller register with the Exercise Director to ensure that alerts to controllers are received.
  6. Prepare your organization to participate. Advertise the event, identify your needs in terms of capability and force strength, and publish your EXPLAN to them.
  7. Pay attention during operation to ensure that good records are maintained—records you'll need to develop your After-Action Report/Improvement Plan.
  8. Have fun!