5 MHz Interop Net

Planned Operations

Net control NNA5SA will be on the air 60m (Ch 4) at the top of the hour starting 1000Q/1400Z until 1900Q/2300Z on Saturday and Sunday 3 and 4 October 2020.

U.S. Government and Amateur stations are welcome to join the net, and may provide SITREP, SPOTREP, or other information.

Traffic for BLACK SWAN may be directed to:


Authorization Notice

August 18, 2020

HF Interoperability (60-meter/5 MHz) Net Activation

This is to notify all users of the 60-meter / 5 MHz HF interoperability channels of an upcoming exercise; details below. Pursuant to authority delegated by the Federal Communications Commission, the restriction in 47 CFR 97.111(a)(4) limiting communications between Amateur stations and a United States government station to communications “necessary to providing communications in RACES” is waived to the extent that any Amateur station, operating within the privileges authorized to the control operator, may communicate with a United States government station for the purposes of this exercise.

WHO: Ohio Military Reserve - SHARES and Amateur Radio stations are invited to participate.

WHAT: BLACK SWAN 20 Communications Exercise

START: 300001Z SEP 20 (8:01pm EDT 01 OCT 20)

END: 062359Z OCT 20 (7:59pm EDT 08 OCT 20)

LOCATION: Throughout and around Ohio

SCENARIO: Severe weather impacts communications and power infrastructure

OBJECTIVE: Test auxiliary communications functions and interoperability capabilities at agencies, welfare traffic relay and delivery, and information-gathering.

TIMELINE: Three stages: (1) Build-up 30 Sep – 3 Oct, (2) Intense Activity 3-4 Oct, (3) Recovery 5-6 Oct.

CONTACT: C. Matthew Curtin, SGT, OHMR. +1-614-398-0045 charles.curtin@ohmr.ohio.gov


BLACK SWAN Coordinators will make information available via the exercise web site at www.blackswancomex.org.

SHARES stations may prepare weather reports taken from local weather stations for REALWORD conditions. Stations wishing to send EXERCISE weather reports may do so by using data consistent with the onset of Memorial Day 2019 Tornado outbreaks. Weather reports should be directed to NNO5HD via SHARES North.

SHARES stations may also listen on SHARES North channels for traffic to be retransmitted to amateur radio stations on 60m (Ch. 4, 5371.5 MHz USB).

David Adsit
DHS FEMA Spectrum Manager