New Yorker

Operation New Yorker was a small on-air communications exercise held in the afternoon (Ohio time) of Saturday 7 August and Sunday 8 August. Volunteers had to be registered no later than Monday 2 August to be included in the plan.

NEW YORKER 21 Exercise Plan. (All participants should have read this before exercise play.)

Slide Deck for Players Briefing, held Saturday at 1200 and Sunday at 1230.

Also be sure to see the BLACK SWAN Net Activation for NEW YORKER.

At the conclusion of each session we had a brief hotwash. Saturday's hotwash was focused on improvements to be made for Sunday play. Sunday's hotwash was focused on highlighting critical issues that might not be captured by the players survey.

The players survey was online, to be completed no later than 9 August. We used the input to develop a NEW YORKER 21 After-Action Report/Improvement Plan (AAR/IP) for the net.